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1st September 2014, 08:20
It's out and it appears when I ask for the print version. But how is 2 down supposed to look? My version says:
'Compose late poem "East is East%u2026" (7)'
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1st September 2014, 08:55
Mine's the same - I suppose just keep checking the website to see if there's been a correction and in the meantime try to get some crossers and work backwards. Good luck!
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1st September 2014, 08:57
It's a character code for an ellipsis...
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1st September 2014, 09:56
Thanks! I've had a quick look, had an answer for 15D which almost made sense but the 'missing' bit doesn't; however, it gave me the correct crossing letter for 26A which I am confident of. So is the theme attractive or repellent??? Must get on with real life now.
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1st September 2014, 10:17
The 2D clue should read...

Compose late poem "East is East"(7)

The letter count for 1A is (4,3) and for 20D it's (5,2).
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1st September 2014, 11:28
Ah, 18D was a distraction, as I'd suspected.

It's fun!
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1st September 2014, 12:57
I found this one of the easiest ... at first. The theme was obvious for once. However, I cannot find anything thematic about 18D. And I have no idea about 29A.
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1st September 2014, 13:05
I think it must be a three letter word in the answer pendragon, 22d and 29a (if I'm correct) are similarly tenuous.
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1st September 2014, 13:07 last one in, the vessel is three letters the wordplay ignores a thematic element
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1st September 2014, 13:13
Yes that' what Ihad ixion.

The vessel without its middle letter or empty
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