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31st December 2009, 20:33
Well, should be. Such a little word. I haven't got it, though...

From The Times Crossword:

Quarters provided by a jolly host (5)

- - - - M

The M I am sure of.

I am almost sure there is an S:

S - - - M

There may be an A:

S - A - M

The A stands or falls by the answer to this:

Lifting a bit of corn in combine(7)

R - - - I - G.

The S depends on the answer to this:

See old penalty reduced after mistake(9)

B - - - O - R - C.

My answer (with the S) is a meaning of "see" but I don't get how the rest of the clue works.
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31st December 2009, 20:42
Swarm = host.
Quarters =SW(compass points), and A RM (royal marine - (sailor/jolly)
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31st December 2009, 20:49
Lifting = rearing(like when a horse rears)
a bit of corn = ear
combine = ring(not sure why)
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31st December 2009, 20:50
Presume you now have the other two referrred to??
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31st December 2009, 20:51
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31st December 2009, 20:52
Thanks, trevor. A host as in a multitude or a swarm. Could see the word but, drat! not the multitude meaning of the jolly host - or the quarters meaning either.
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31st December 2009, 20:52
O price reduced
bish as mistake is a bit vague
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31st December 2009, 20:57
Yes, thanks, I had REARING, giving me the A, but couldn't completely work out the clue.

Then I had BISHOPRIC, meaning "see" but couldn't work out the rest of the clue, so there was a slight uncertainty in my mind about the S and the A.
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31st December 2009, 21:04
Yes, I see the opric bit, trevor, but bish I don't know other than as one of those slightly onomatopeic words like bish, bash, bosh.

I felt it had to be BISHOPRIC as I got the B from
ISOBARIC, which I knew was the right answer to this slightly laborious clue:

One thus in charge covering staff division under constant pressure.
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31st December 2009, 21:12
bish bash bosh - love it(wasn't it a catchphrase from an old style comedian?)
bish is - sort of - explained here.

combine=ring still bugs me a bit, is there such a thing as a "combine ring" for a persons finger?
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