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28th March 2013, 12:33
Thanks Bridie, will look in Chambers. 9 Hope I've got it right, well known dog in films, another word for girl is the middle of a word for a dishonest tale. 11 first 3 and last letter of Beethoven's only opera Hope that helps
186 of 320  -   Report This Post


28th March 2013, 14:07
Thanks Twinsnan - 9 so simple !! Senior moment with the other, as I should have asked for help with 100 instead of 11(which I had solved ).
187 of 320  -   Report This Post


28th March 2013, 15:26
67. Another word for pulls + er
85. Leading as in first letters
90. Anagram of another word for hair and a soldier
93. Make a two word anagram of reed mace and then find another name for it

Hope these help, and you are right with 10
188 of 320  -   Report This Post


29th March 2013, 09:49
Kace Thank you. Can I just confirm that 67 is t....r please? I think I know the other word to use for pulls but cannot solve it for the life of me, I know I'm very dense at the moment. Then just the beastly 90 left.
189 of 320  -   Report This Post


29th March 2013, 13:42
Still stumped on 28 She can help to accommodate Danes.Kennelmaid does not sit right when you look at other answers, Any hints welcome
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30th March 2013, 10:11
I know clues have been given but please can I beg some further clues to the following numbers....19, 41,65and 75
Many thanks and a happy Easter to all
191 of 320  -   Report This Post


30th March 2013, 10:11
I know clues have been given but please can I beg some further clues to the following numbers....19, 41,65and 75
Many thanks and a happy Easter to all
192 of 320  -   Report This Post


30th March 2013, 16:02
Hi violin.
19. Think of a 'sort' of strike from work
41. For the second word think of an oriental dynasty.
65. Drink = action of a dog when it drinks
75. Word for papers = press. Insert two article words.
Hope this helps and you enjoy your Easter !
193 of 320  -   Report This Post


30th March 2013, 18:53
I'm not happy with the young lady in the doghouse for 28 either!
Can I beg a clue to 59 please? I'm thinking of going into the ark, non-believers, jugs, and steamships without getting anywhere...
Oh, and no. 70 too. Maybe thoughts of Robinson Crusoe are blocking the way.
194 of 320  -   Report This Post


30th March 2013, 19:26
Hi hidunc.
59. Pre -christian = bc
inside vessels of the sailing variety.
70. Look up 'cats' in chambers 10th edition, you will find the answer there.
28. I think everyone has kennelmaid - non of us are happy about it but can get no further. Only thing I can see is the abbreviation for Denmark is DK. But that is rather lame.
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