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21st June 2012, 06:35
Thanks, GK.

Imagine, someone in your neck of the woods educating me about US politics! (& I know that guy)

Of course, in Canada we've pretty much tuned out the current sideshow.

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22nd June 2012, 01:35
Interim solution:

A little joke in clue 11A (very powerful union).
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22nd June 2012, 03:04
Hiya Syzzie,

I agree that (most of) it was much more doable.
I thought that the preamble was a little confusing, struggled for ages on 11 & 13 down until a penny drop moment, I guessed at 35's name cus I had first 3 letters and big hand gave it away
I don't get 26 across, is it relating to Louis XIV ?
Put a colour (only one that will fit and matches violet) in but still don't get the wordplay in 14 across.
Not sure with 34a, a parse would be welcome
2d. was a new word for me

you have made a typo in your 9d Syzzie (4th letter)

Cheers, Les40

PS: You may have noticed that I have used the word for 22a in my Peer Review clue.
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greedy kite

22nd June 2012, 13:11
@ Les 40: "roi" is just French for King & could apply to any of the many Louis, I suppose.
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22nd June 2012, 13:11
26a: Yes, or any other throne-sitting Louis.
14a: MAE (West) making a case for UV.
34a: GOETH (biblical set off) plus E.

Mae West was no doubt before your time. She was the one who always wore a life-jacket. :)
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greedy kite

22nd June 2012, 13:18
...and 34a:GO-ETH biblical form of he goes, sets off + E(-nglish) =writer Goethe
22a: can only see anag. "gala" in RN = sleeve
Does that help a little?
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greedy kite

22nd June 2012, 13:21
Hi, Aristo! Did you try Spec. yesterday? Good for those with a dual penchant for classical literature (perhaps I mean lit. classics) + anatomy!
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22nd June 2012, 13:23
Don't have it. Looked for someone's pdf link but didn't see one.
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greedy kite

22nd June 2012, 13:29
It's never too late to add your address to dja...'s list: see CS. Puzzle NOT too easy this week, but fun!
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greedy kite

22nd June 2012, 13:30
Sorry, Aristo: it's easier on AB, I think.
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