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3rd January 2012, 11:43
I've collected sand dollars on the beach in California. Shells of some sort
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3rd January 2012, 11:46
I thought of that but technically Flotsam is floating in water and Jetsam is the stuff washed up but not enough letters. flotsam may be a red herring.
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3rd January 2012, 12:32
21. Pools.
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5th January 2012, 13:58
Patsy - Tern, Barnacle, pools, punch and judy

Still looking for waste materialon beach - 7
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6th January 2012, 11:41
I got the same for the above.

Any ideas for:

60. Three feet for old ships [8]
64. Chick Read [9]

Also stuck on the Waste material one..

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6th January 2012, 11:54
Flotsam and jetsam differ only in that jetsam has been deliberately thrown overboard; either could wash up on a beach
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6th January 2012, 19:15
David, try deckchair and yardarm.

Chris - flotsam is ship wreckage (not waste) and is floating. Jetsam is waste but doesnt fit, uk OED definitions.

still stuck.
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7th January 2012, 11:13
Ref Wikipedia:Flotsam is floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo. Jetsam is part of a ship, its equipment, or its cargo that is purposefully cast overboard or jettisoned to lighten the load in time of distress and that sinks or is washed ashore. Lagan is cargo that is lying on the bottom of the ocean, sometimes marked by a buoy, which can be reclaimed. Derelict is cargo that is also on the bottom of the ocean, but which no one has any hope of reclaiming.

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