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12th December 2011, 20:34
56a looks like Fairy.
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12th December 2011, 20:34
Hello Sloopjohnb
Seasons greetings.
19a is Sauce
dish = saucer minus the r (runs off)
56a is not noisy.
It starts with F (used for loud in musical terms) the kind of spirit you would see on top of the tree maybe
56d F*O* beside being an amphibian, it also a hard growth found on a horse's hoof.
HOpe this helps.
Best wishes
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12th December 2011, 20:36
19a is sauce - saucer without r.
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12th December 2011, 20:42
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I can sleep easy tonight he-he.
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13th December 2011, 13:01
Good Morning, All, and best wishes to you too.

I tried to keep the Christmas Crossword until today, but failed miserably. I got as far as the early hours of Thursday morning. Then there was the gale, which meant no ferries, therefore no post and more importantly, no papers, ergo, no crosswords. What a miserable day that was.

Mrs P is quick to remind me that if all I have to moan about is a few hours without a crossword, I am blessed indeed. She doesn't understand, the poor soul.

Anyway, I hope all is well with all of you. Is 59 across as obvious as it looks, or am I missing something? Is it simply a girl's name that we sing at Christmas?

Off now to order up a rechargeable lantern and a wee gas stove to help when we next have power cuts. I don't think we will have long to wait, judging by the weather today.

Back to SGH next week. Thanks for asking, Mondrian.

Best wishes.

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old gal

13th December 2011, 15:34
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year! Special wishes to all not well, Pipesmoker, Navigator, et al my special good wishes go to you! Me - just had last chemo and working my way through the million and one tablets they give to you. Relieved sessions are over and just now waiting to have a scan and further chat with oncologist. Am struggling a bit with this crossword - chemo brain strikes again but will log in every now and then with a question. Bye for now
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18th December 2011, 17:11
Just logged on to have a nose around - where is everyone, no posts since 13th - can't believe they are all Christmas shopping!
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18th December 2011, 17:20
Hi butterfly. I'm here, busy wrapping Christmas presents, popping in and out of the forum and catching up with messages on facebook. Hope everyone is keeping well.
Good luck at the Hotel next week, Pipesmoker.
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18th December 2011, 17:36
Many thank, jazzgirl.

I'll do my best to behave, despite the boredom. Not even a Radio Times crossword to take with me. I'll stock up with newspapers before I go in.

Best wishes, meantime.

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24th December 2011, 08:48
My best wishes to all fellow puzzlers
that you may have a very happy Christmas
and success with some of those awful clues
in 2012. We were sorely tried by several in
yhe past year.
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