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17th November 2011, 20:06
Well done Freddo,

28 was a tricky one.

It's 59 that's stumping me!

No clues yet...but maybe soon. x
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18th November 2011, 13:01
Thank you for your kind words, Freddo. Do bear in mind that the Winter Quiz has a prize for the first correct entry received by email as well as the usual prize for the first entry drawn from the hat after the closing date. If you want to have a go at providing the first correct entry, you'll need to pre-order your copy at so that you get it as soon as they are released by email at midday on Saturday 26th November.
12 of 14  -   Report This Post


18th November 2011, 17:08

At last...I have finished. Can't believe that number 59 had me so stumped, when I did get seemed so obvious.

Well done Mr Macquizzy, looking forward to the next one.

And I should warn you, there may be a couple of sweary words doodled in the margins of my entry.

Take care

13 of 14  -   Report This Post


20th November 2011, 23:20
Just brining this thread back up to the top...

Just had a good few weeks with enough "palliative care" and "things"!

Now we are talking Macmillan Nurses...who I can not express enough my admiration for.

Please, please support any fund raising enterprises for these wonderful people.

Give the next MacMillan Quiz a go!
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