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15th July 2011, 20:49
10 letters,1 vowel? a good weeked to all.sdrager Nytram.
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terry as was

15th July 2011, 20:53
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15th July 2011, 21:33
evening terry as was,missed the s.
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terry as was

15th July 2011, 21:37
sorry about that nytram. Thank god there were no apostrophes.
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15th July 2011, 22:26
great to see you back terry. good holiday?

i don't recall anybody using your name while you were off hunting tiger, whoever has the name (teRry,TerrY - (it's not case sensitive)) could just edit it to something else and let you reclaim it.
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terry as was

15th July 2011, 22:40
Hello Trevor,
Yes,I had a great time. Went to turkey for two weeks,ended up staying just over four. Long story.

I've seen "Terry" used (on the spectater thread) by someone who starts off by saying "morning all". and I've seen "terry" used by an loonie. If they want it so bad they can have it. I'll stick with "as was" for now.
Are they still banning IP addresses.
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15th July 2011, 23:24
i'm not sure if they are adding new IP addresses to the banned list, but old one's still apply (mine at least).

the one thing that has improved is that a post from, eg, Pastille, Sallyw, Bullfrog Mamya etc. can be relied upon to be a post from that person.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

15th July 2011, 23:31
Very quiet tonight chaps! I think the registration is an improvement, although the fact that you can register using a made-up email address is a bit of a bummer. There is definitely less troll activity though, which can only be a good thing.
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terry as was

15th July 2011, 23:33
Yes, I guess it's good to know that "TJ" really is "TJ",etc.
But to be honest I preferred the wild days; a lot more fun. Full on ranting has it's plus side doesn't it. Who was it said "a freedom you can't abuse isn't worth having". (was it Enoch Powell).
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15th July 2011, 23:42
i don't want to belong to a club that will allow me to be a member(marx:groucho?)
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