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  1. See Linden.
  1. Linen.
  1. An order of brachiopods, in which the valves of shell are not articulated by a hinge. It includes the Lingula, Discina, and allied forms.
  1. Same as Lyrid.
  1. Lyre-shaped, or spatulate and oblong, with small lobes toward the base; as, a lyrate leaf.
Lyre Bird
  1. Any one of two or three species of Australian birds of the genus Menura. The male is remarkable for having the sixteen tail feathers very long and, when spread, arranged in the form of a lyre. The common lyre bird (Menura superba), inhabiting New South Wales, is about the size of a grouse. Its general color is brown, with rufous color on the throat, wings, tail coverts and tail. Called also lyre pheasant and lyre-tail.
  1. One of the group of shooting stars which come into the air in certain years on or about the 19th of April; -- so called because the apparent path among the stars if traced backwards crosses the constellation Lyra.
  1. A European fish (Peristethus cataphractum), having the body covered with bony plates, and having three spines projecting in front of the nose; -- called also noble, pluck, pogge, sea poacher, and armed bullhead.
  1. Having a lyre-shaped shoulder girdle, as certain fishes.
  1. The act of playing on a lyre or harp.