
Matching Words

10417 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

  1. turning lights on; "it's lighting-up time"
  1. emitting light not caused by heat
  1. without illumination; "came up the lightless stairs"; "the unilluminated side of Mars"; "through dark unlighted (or unlit) streets"
  2. giving no light; "lightless stars `visible' only to radio antennae"
  1. softly bright or radiant; "a house aglow with lights"; "glowing embers"; "lambent tongues of flame"; "the lucent moon"; "a sky luminous with stars"
  2. Moving lightly over a surface
  1. softly bright or radiant; "a house aglow with lights"; "glowing embers"; "lambent tongues of flame"; "the lucent moon"; "a sky luminous with stars"
  1. softly bright or radiant; "a house aglow with lights"; "glowing embers"; "lambent tongues of flame"; "the lucent moon"; "a sky luminous with stars"
  1. reflecting light; "glistening bodies of swimmers"; "the horse's glossy coat"; "lustrous auburn hair"; "saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet"; "shining white enamel"
  2. brilliant; "set a lustrous example for others to follow"; "lustrous actors of the time"
  3. made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; "bright silver candlesticks"; "a burnished brass knocker"; "she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves"; "rows of shining glasses"; "shiny black patents"
  1. shining with an unnatural red glow as of fire seen through smoke; "a lurid sunset"; "lurid flames"
  2. ghastly pale; "moonlight gave the statue a lurid luminence"
  3. glaringly vivid and graphic; marked by sensationalism; "lurid details of the accident"
  4. horrible in fierceness or savagery; "lurid crimes"; "a lurid life"
  1. lacking luster or shine; "staring with lackluster eyes"; "lusterless hair"
  2. lacking brilliance or vitality; "a dull lackluster life"; "a lusterless performance"
  1. lacking luster or shine; "staring with lackluster eyes"; "lusterless hair"
  2. lacking brilliance or vitality; "a dull lackluster life"; "a lusterless performance"