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Local Derby
  1. A sports match between two teams from the same area, town or city.
  1. One of the twelve tribes of Israel - keepers of the book of the Law
  1. 1 an empty space or a missing part, a gap; 2 anatomy: a cavity, space, or depression, especially in bone, containing cartilage or bone cells
  2. Concerning a gap in a manuscript.
Ladies Man
  1. A man who enjoys spending time and flirting with women. ‘he was a bit of a ladies' man at an early age’
  1. Wool from a lamb used in knitted garments
  1. Young women who behave in a laddish manner.
  1. Holy island. Off coast of England
  1. Lundy is the largest island in the Bristol Channel. It lies 12 miles (19 km) off the coast of Devon, England, about a third of the distance across the channel from Devon to South Wales.
Legal Eagle
  1. a lawyer, especially one considered very skilled
  1. Place in Cornwall; city in Tasmania