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Genus Pellaea
  1. genus of chiefly small rock-loving ferns; in some classification systems it is placed in the family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae
Genus Pityrogramma
  1. terrestrial tropical ferns having fronds with powdery yellowish or white undersides; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae
Genus Pteris
  1. large genus of terrestrial ferns of tropics and subtropics; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae
Genus Marattia
  1. type genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows
Genus Angiopteris
  1. 1 species: tree fern
Genus Danaea
  1. fairly small terrestrial ferns of tropical America
Genus Psilotum
  1. type genus of the Psilotaceae
Genus Psilophyton
  1. type genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia
Genus Rhynia
  1. type genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes
Genus Horneophyton
  1. Devonian fossil plant considered one of the earliest forms of vascular land plants; similar to genus Rhynia but smaller