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Genus Urocystis
  1. a genus of smut fungi belonging to the family Tilletiaceae
Genus Septobasidium
  1. type genus of Septobasidiaceae: smooth shelf fungi usually having a well-developed sometimes thick-walled hypobasidium
Genus Hygrocybe
  1. a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
Genus Hygrophorus
  1. a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
Genus Hygrotrama
  1. a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
Genus Neohygrophorus
  1. a genus of fungi belonging to the family Hygrophoraceae
Genus Cortinarius
  1. the largest genus in th Agaricales; agarics having rusty spores and prominent cortinae (cobwebby partial veils)
Genus Gymnopilus
  1. a genus of fungus characterized by the orange color of the spore deposit
Genus Verticillium
  1. genus of imperfect fungi having conidia borne singly at the apex of whorled branchlets; cause wilt diseases
Genus Trichophyton
  1. a genus of fungus of the family Moniliaceae; causes ringworm and favus