
Matching Words

7287 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Genus Rhodymenia
  1. type genus of the family Rhodymeniaceae
Genus Porphyra
  1. a genus of protoctist
Genus Noctiluca
  1. a genus of protoctist
Genus Peridinium
  1. type genus of the family Peridiniidae
Genus Leishmania
  1. flagellate protozoan that causes leishmaniasis
Genus Costia
  1. a genus of flagellate protoctist
Genus Giardia
  1. flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates
Genus Chilomastix
  1. flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates including humans
Genus Hexamita
  1. flagellates free-living or parasitic in intestines of birds
Genus Trichomonas
  1. flagellates parasitic in alimentary or genitourinary tracts of vertebrates and invertebrates including humans