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Genus Scrophularia
  1. type genus of Scrophulariaceae; named for the plants' supposed ability to cure scrofula: figworts
Genus Antirrhinum
  1. a genus of herbs of the family Scrophulariaceae with brightly colored irregular flowers
Genus Besseya
  1. genus of North American spring wildflowers
Genus Aureolaria
  1. small genus of North American herbs often root-parasitic and bearing golden-yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Gerardia
Genus Calceolaria
  1. large genus of tropical American herbs and shrubs with showy cymose flowers
Genus Castilleja
  1. genus of western North and South American perennials often partially parasitic on roots of grasses
Genus Castilleia
  1. genus of western North and South American perennials often partially parasitic on roots of grasses
Genus Chelone
  1. herbaceous perennials: shellflower
Genus Collinsia
  1. genus of hardy annual herbs of western United States
Genus Digitalis
  1. genus of Eurasian herbs having alternate leaves and racemes of showy bell-shaped flowers