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Genus Nepenthes
  1. pitcher plants
Genus Drosera
  1. the type genus of Droseraceae including many low bog-inhabiting insectivorous plants
Genus Dionaea
  1. a genus of the family Droseraceae
Genus Aldrovanda
  1. one species: waterwheel plant
Genus Drosophyllum
  1. one species
Genus Roridula
  1. insectivorous undershrubs of South Africa; in some classifications placed in the family Droseraceae
Genus Cephalotus
  1. one species: Australian pitcher plant
Genus Crassula
  1. type genus of Crassulaceae; herbs and small shrubs having woody stems and succulent aerial parts
Genus Sedum
  1. large genus of rock plants having thick fleshy leaves
Genus Aeonium
  1. a genus of plants of the family Crassulaceae