
Matching Words

1797 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Toward Land
  1. towards the shore from the water; "we invited them ashore"
To A T
  1. in every detail; "the new house suited them to a T"
To The North
  1. in a northern direction; "they earn more up north"; "Let''s go north!"
To A Higher Degree
  1. comparing quantity or quality; "by the time she was 4 she was more than half her father''s height"
To A Lesser Degree
  1. comparing quantity or quality; "she was less than half her weight after the crash diet"
Toward The Sea
  1. in the direction of the sea; "the sailor looked seaward"
  1. An obsolete intensive prefix used in the formation of compound verbs; as in to-beat, to-break, to-hew, to-rend, to-tear. See these words in the Vocabulary. See the Note on All to, or All-to, under All, adv.
  1. The preposition to primarily indicates approach and arrival, motion made in the direction of a place or thing and attaining it, access; and also, motion or tendency without arrival; movement toward; -- opposed to from.
  1. A fawning, obsequious parasite; a mean sycophant; a flatterer; a toady.
  1. The golden plover.