
Matching Words

1797 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Toss In
  1. add casually to a conversation; "`I don't agree with this,' she tossed in"
  2. add casually to a conversation; "I don''t agree with this," she tossed in
  1. engage in a tourney
  1. engage in a tourney
  1. attack or hit with torpedoes
  1. attack or hit with torpedoes
  1. drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic; "The husband drinks and beats his wife"
  1. drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic; "The husband drinks and beats his wife"
Toss Off
  1. drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"
  2. write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper"; "He scratched off a thank-you note to the hostess"
  3. drink down entirely; "He downed three martinis before dinner"; "She killed a bottle of brandy that night"; "They popped a few beer after work"
  4. write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husdband saying she would not be home for supper"
  1. touch with the toe
  2. drive (a golf ball) with the toe of the club
  3. hit (a golf ball) with the toe of the club
  4. drive obliquely; "toe a nail"
  5. walk so that the toes assume an indicated position or direction; "She toes inwards"
  1. kill with a tomahawk
  2. cut with a tomahawk