Crossword Quick Solve

Matching Words

63 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - One who baits; a tormentor.
  1. - To stick together.
  1. noun - be silly or tease one another; "After we relaxed, we just kidded around"
  2. light teasing repartee
  1. noun - an equal exchange; "we had no money so we had to live by barter"
  2. exchange goods without involving money
  1. noun - a cook who bastes roasting meat with melted fat or gravy
  2. a sewer who fastens a garment with long loose stitches
  3. a tube with a rubber bulb used to take up and release melted fat or gravy in order to moisten roasting meat
  1. noun - (baseball) a ballplayer who is batting
  2. a liquid or semiliquid mixture, as of flour, eggs, and milk, used in cooking
  3. Knocks about
  4. make a dent or impression in; "dinge a soft hat"
  5. strike against forcefully; "Winds buffeted the tent"
  6. strike violently and repeatedly; "She clobbered the man who tried to attack her"
  1. - A baker; originally, a female baker.
  1. noun -
  2. a smooth three-beat gait; between a trot and a gallop
  3. ride at a canter; "The men cantered away"
  1. noun - the musical director of a choir
  2. the official of a synagogue who conducts the liturgical part of the service and sings or chants the prayers intended to be performed as solos
  1. noun - a person who captures and holds people or animals