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2044 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. adjective - of a chemical compound having a ring with ten members
Aaron's Rod
  1. noun - A rod with one serpent twined around it, thus differing from the caduceus of Mercury, which has two.
  2. tall-stalked very woolly mullein with densely packed yellow flowers; ancient Greeks and Romans dipped the stalks in tallow for funeral torches
  1. verb - (of clothing) very short; "an abbreviated swimsuit"; "a brief bikini"
  2. cut short in duration; "the abbreviated speech"; "her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"; "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation"
  3. reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
  4. shorten; "Abbreviate `New York' and write `NY'"
  1. adjective - having a strong healthy body; "an able seaman"; "every able-bodied young man served in the army"
  1. - Having much intellectual power.
Above Board
  1. unknown - Open correct legal
  1. - Cited before, in the preceding part of a book or writing.
  1. adjective - mentioned or named earlier in the same text
  1. adjective - on or above the surface of the ground; "aboveground nuclear testing"; "surface instruments for detecting oil deposits"; "surface transportation"
  1. verb - cause to move faster; "He accelerated the car"
  2. move faster; "The car accelerated"
  3. speeded up, as of an academic course; "in an accelerated program in school"