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12th November 2017, 04:40
A hiker walked for two days. One the second day the hiker walked 2 hours longer and 1 mph faster than he walked on the first day. If during the two days he walked a total of 64 miles and spent a total of 18 hours walking, what was his average speed on the first day?

I am clueless on this one
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12th November 2017, 04:42
Typo on second line....It should read as follows:

A hiker walked for two days. On the second day the hiker walked 2 hours longer and 1 mph faster than he walked on the first day. If during the two days he walked a total of 64 miles and spent a total of 18 hours walking, what was his average speed on the first day?
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stevie gee

12th November 2017, 06:22
Day 1 = 8 hours x 3mph = 24 miles
Day 2 = 10 hours x4mph = 40 miles
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12th November 2017, 09:29
I worked this out too but only by trial and error working backwards!
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stevie gee

12th November 2017, 09:41
Let x = speed on day 1

8x + 10(x + 1) = 64

8x + 10x + 10 = 64

18x = 64 - 10 = 54

x = 54/18 = 3
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12th November 2017, 10:04
Thanks Stevie Gee.
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stevie gee

12th November 2017, 10:09
Let x = no. of hours walked on 1st day

x + 2 = no. of hours walked on 2nd day

x + (x +2) = 18
2x + 2 = 18
2x = 18 -2
2x= 16
x = 8
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12th November 2017, 10:34
I divided the 18 in half (9) and added 1 to one and took 1 from the other.
Of course, the numbers were very simple!
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stevie gee

12th November 2017, 10:40
That was how I got the answer 1st time but knew there would be a mathematical solution (having to think back a long time).
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12th November 2017, 10:46
It's probably even longer ago for me!
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