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3rd May 2017, 09:56
I'm absolutely lost on this one, I have a few answers but none referring to 10. Any help with the themed answer appreciated.
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3rd May 2017, 10:02
Almost same position here although I do have 22 and 27 and can see how the 10 and ten fit the clue. But a strong hint for clue 10 or help with 4, 14 would help me get through a grey day.
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3rd May 2017, 12:03
Hi notrab, I have the same need as you and shuttleplayer.
I have solved 8 clues but still don't know how 10 fits in. (I think it may be a word that suggests it is adjustable according to clues to which it is referred.)
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3rd May 2017, 12:23
In clue 27 it appears to be used as ten giving geniuS OF Ten = SOFT and thus SOFT-HEARTED. In clue 10 it seems to be used as IO and put round MAG to give IMAGO. In clue 7 I have TUT (king?) + OURS less the U giving TUTORS but don't see how the 10 fits. For actual entry at clue 10 I appear to have T*U*E* which leads me nowhere! Perhaps some kind soul will put us out of our misery l!
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3rd May 2017, 12:53
10ac is a name that also suggests a direction. 7dn is a themed answer and you might do better to focus on the checked letters in 10ac that you are certain of. 27ac is parsed as explained in the other thread. Sorry, but it's difficult to say too much about 10ac without giving the game away.
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3rd May 2017, 13:03
Thanks peterm. I am still recovering from completing Listener 4448 over the weekend; if you did that one you will appreciate why I have hit another brick wall with Genius! I will take your advice on 7 and 10 and crack on while I remain sane and sober.
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3rd May 2017, 13:15
Thanks again peterm. Are you able to confirm that answers as filled in are all real words?
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3rd May 2017, 13:48
No! That's the point of 10.
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3rd May 2017, 13:55
Thanks Tintin. With the earlier advice I can see how my answers to 7, 24 and 19 can be entered in a way that gives me the word at 10 - that I have applied to those answers. But since I have an aversion to grids that do not contain real words I
will not bother to go any further with this puzzle.
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3rd May 2017, 19:29
They are all real words but some need changed as per 10. Suggest you solve the unthemed clues first, bottom right would be a good start then when you have every other letter of 25ac and can't find a sensible fill, look at it in a different direction and the penny should drop.
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