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16th April 2016, 11:21
I'm actually stuck on quite a few.

If I can get 11a, that would help me in the top right corner.

Runner, having consumed pork pie, first to go into spasm (10).
I have:

And I can't get 23a, even though getting it won't get me any further, I am very curious.

Receiver receiving dodgy, initially rum, deal from snake (3-2-5)
I have:

No solutions please! Hints only.

Thank you!
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16th April 2016, 11:23
Receiver... Fer De Lance, snake. (It has ''fence', receiver in it various other bits. I hate parsing!)
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16th April 2016, 11:25
Your other one is a problem that you might have with your heart. "pork pie" is rhyming slang; this part comes first
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16th April 2016, 11:27
Thanks, Malone. But I did say no solutions, hints only!
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16th April 2016, 11:31
Thank you Chris!
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16th April 2016, 11:45
Hi neko - just a bit of (unasked for) advice.

If you only want hints, put it as the first line of your post as people read the clues, see they can help then begin to answer , if your request is tucked at the end of a paragraph it can get overlooked.
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16th April 2016, 11:46
Good tip, Mamya. I will do that next time. :)
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