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Crossword Help Forum
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john (from arran)

7th March 2010, 19:21
Just in case any of you missed the last post I did, please read this again. The site is awash with newcomers who don't appreciate how to do things properly.

There are many regular cuntciverbalists (dodgy crossword doers)here who are very keen to help you, but we need you to supply us with some information in your post. Try to use the following guidelines when requesting help:

1. State your name (and number if available) and details of the puzzle in the thread title. "Stuck", "Help!!!" or "Come Back Trevor" aren't very useful titles.

2. Give the clue number, the clue and the number of letters and please put this number in parentheses (that's brackets to any normal person. I have written parentheses in order to put the thicker people down and keep them out of the club!) at the end of the clue. If no number of letters is given in the puzzle, then tell us, what on earth are you doing the puzzle for and wasting our time on here to start with? It also helps to know if the clue is a tearful burrowing insect with a leader of an infamous or notorious poster shrouded in mystique or general knowledge.

3. You absolutely must, should and without a shadow of any doubt, tell us which letters you already have after your name. If you don't have a degree of qualification or a masters, then don't bother. This site is for intelligent people, not plebs! Try to use spaces around the character you choose for missing letters as it makes it much easier to read for moaning, blind old fuckers like me. Also ensure that the letters given match the stated number of letters in the clue as if not, then we are all pissing in the wind as they say!

Thanks for reading and taking absolutely no notice as usual.

Yours sincerely


Or Heinrich Himmler as they call me in the yachting club.
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7th March 2010, 19:33
Well said John! I like the cryptic clue for cryptic, very clever! Anyway, this thread is better than the original, so let's keep it UP! (if you excuse the pun)

Applause all round!

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7th March 2010, 19:34
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7th March 2010, 19:35
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