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7th March 2010, 19:08

Please come back onto the boards and let us know who you are. You are always helpful and I would miss you so much.

Don't let those who oopose you get you down. You are bitter than that!

There is no need to throw your toys out of the pram, nor throw the baby out with the bathwater,

Bath is a city after all and water is all around us, like trees, love and meaningful relating at depth. Surely, we need congruent and satisfying responses from the likes of you with your wisdom, dashing charm and excellence in execution of our pathetic clueless crossword doing?

You are only spiting your face to undo your nose as we say over here in Amsterdam!

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7th March 2010, 19:14
Please refer to my new thread, entitled IMPOSTER!
The one-and-only Blondie
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7th March 2010, 22:45
Hi, Trevor,
I agree with Blondie, We miss you on this thread and our lives are the poorer without you, Please come back!
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