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mumma g

7th November 2009, 14:11
Just a thought, but could 11 be a 1934 Cole Porter Musical?
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silly boy

7th November 2009, 18:08
29 Sharon's surname in Birds of a Feather. Has anyone got the correct spelling for this one ....... I have only found 15 or 16 letters ! LOL
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9th December 2009, 00:29
Clue 54 - were we thrown off the scent by the redundant words in the clue? "Trendy" = CHIC and "in the past" = AGO. Answer = CHICAGO. "A long time" was not necessary in the clue, and served only to throw solvers off the scent (and I sincerely believe that "proper" cryptic crossword cluers would frown upon this use of redundant words). I started writing this message about 45 seconds "ago" - that is, 45 seconds "in the past"; not, you'll have observed, "45 seconds a long time in the past". There's only so far we can stretch artistic licence....
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