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30th September 2012, 18:38

I am stuck on two. I have the answer for 56 across as Softish (not sure why). The clue is "sort of piano tips form Shostakovich are frequently exchanged". That leaves 49 down with letters t-r-i. Clue is "Miss, perhaps land that's lost to railway". The only two words I know that would fit are Tarsi or Turki but cannot see why. Any help would be appreciated.
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30th September 2012, 18:42
Terri (to) (ry)
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30th September 2012, 18:45
tips form(should be from??) Shostakovich are frequently exchanged.
if so -
tips from Shostakovich,S and H.
are frequently exchanged, S is OFTen H.
Piano means soft or quiet in music so 'sort of' soft = softish.
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30th September 2012, 18:46
It is SOFTISH (as in music, pianissimo = very softly)

The tips of Shostakovich are S and H. If these are "frequently exchanged" then S oft is H

The other one is TERRI. Land is territory, take off (lost) to ry (railway)
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30th September 2012, 18:48
Thanks that is so clever don't think I would have worked that out. I assume then that 56 across is "softish". I am still not sure why. I know there are softpad pianos. I understand the S and the H being the first and last letter of Shostakovich and the "oft". Is there a "Softish" piano or one again am I being stupid?
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30th September 2012, 19:32
Piano means soft in musical terms. Just as forte means loud.
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