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21st November 2008, 23:23
Can anyone explain how the following clues match their answers? (all from the Daily Telegraph Prize Crossword no 25,763 mid to late October 08)

1. Said, said it quietly starting late. UTTERED

2. Order placed in establishment right for calculator. COMPUTER

Staring me in the face I expect but I can't see them.


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jerry smith

22nd November 2008, 08:29
Dear Hector,
I think the first one is M-UTTERED,and the second
is OM order of merit,placed PUT,in establishment
CE,Ch of England,R right C-OM-PUT-E-R.
Perhaps Royston will confirm.
Best regards,
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22nd November 2008, 09:28
Dear Jerry

That is so clever of you. Thank you.

It's Saturday today and my subconscious knows what that means, and no matter how great my workload today - and it is big - addictions come first and at some point, against my better judgment, I will lose control and slink off to the newsagents, buy a Telegraph, throw most of it away and say "I'll just spend 10 minutes on it to see if I can get a couple of clues ..." And another day will pass without my tax return being finished, the leaves being taken off the lawn, my wife's car beng cleaned or my children's bookshelves being put up - though my wife may well have the last word on that one. I'm so sorry she doesn't like crosswords herself, the written sort that is.



There was once a Times compiler who lived in the West Country in the days of compartment trains who found as he boarded his crowded train that the crossword that day was one of his own. So, discretely but not so discretely, with the paper resting on his knees he polished the thing off in under ten minutes, possibly, though I cannot remember now, doing all the Down clues before attempting the Across ones. Having completed this 'amazing' feat, and, as it were, waiting for the applause, he looked around at the other five or seven fellow travellers to find find that not one of them was showing the slightest bit of interest in what he had done.

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jerry smith

22nd November 2008, 09:34
One of the joys of being a pensioner and a
divorcee is being your own man! The Times
crossword is the best part of my day.
Best of luck,
p.s. I also heard that story
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royston bowden

22nd November 2008, 13:00
Dear Hector & Jerry,

Jerry has it correct, as usual! Some interesting clues lately.

Best regards

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