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13th August 2011, 11:08
The present Government doesn't seem to be getting much right this weather, so perhaps they need a rest.

Now, the other week, my Right Honourable Friend, The Joker, suggested that we need look no further that the Houses of Parliament to find Haverers in large number. We could take that one step further, and using the vast amount of wisdom on this forum, we could take over the government of the country.

I would like to be a back bencher, so that I will have plenty of space to lie down for my nap. I will provide my own duvet and pillow, at my own expense, so as not to fall into the trap of expenses fiddling. However, I would like to make some suggestions for your consideration:

Firstly, and very importantly, we should repeal that Act which forbids smoking in public places. Every restaurant, bar, bus, train and any other place where people gather, should be compelled to provide comfortable surroundings for the smoker. This can be built in such a manner that the non smokers are not inconvenienced. Table top intercoms should be provided so that persons on either side of the dividing wall can communicate with each other, thereby not interfering with conversation.

Crosswords should become a mandatory part of the schools' curriculum. No child would be forced to undertake physical education, or anything else that involved jumping up and down. Formal education should cease at age 12, unless the child really wants to attend school, and guarantees not to come just to make life difficult for teachers and children who genuinely want to learn.

On matters of law and order, we should adopt policies to please. For instance, to please the anti hanging brigade, we will not bring back hanging. On the other hand, to please the pro capital punishment side, we should bring back the rack. In addition, a new punishment consisting of a slap on the face with a wet fish should be introduced.

Able bodied people who illegally park in spaces designated for disabled drivers, should have their cars crushed for a first offence. For a second offence, the miscreant would be rendered elegible to apply for a blue badge.

The cost of fuel should be halved, so that people can buy twice as much.

We would need an Official Opposition. Perhaps this role could be filled by that nice person from Tunbridge Wells and Pastille's friend, Mrs Grumpy. As they wouldn't have too much to do, they could double up as spittoon emptiers in the newly created smoking areas as described heretofore.

Obviously, there are many more areas where we could make improvements, and your suggestions for these are eagerly awaited. Again, I think appointment to the various Ministries should be by self nomination.

What do you think?
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13th August 2011, 11:39
Just an addendum to the kids leaving school at twlve years old. So that we wouldn't increase the level of unemployment, we could re open the coal mines, and they could be used to howk coal, shove hutches etc. This would increase the number of coal fires being used, so there would also be a demand for chimney sweeps. This employment would not be optional - more like a modern take on National Service.
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gok wan acolytes

13th August 2011, 11:41
How many letters and do you have any already?
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13th August 2011, 11:45
Hi, Dot,

I could start with one dozen Tw?lve. I see I reduced it to a five letter word in my last post.

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the joker

13th August 2011, 18:45
Hi Pipesmoker
Have just seen your proposition and I am giving it serious thought.
In the meantime I am posting this news item,which is not altogether unrelated.

"Joseph Fritzl has spoken out in anger at the recent riots,blaming the cause on irresponsible parenting.
He said ' You never saw my kids out on the street like that'."
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13th August 2011, 19:37
As an alternative to money, shops should accept crossword clues for the items required. e.g. "Etre un vegetable" when you want an item from the greengrocer.
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13th August 2011, 19:55
Hello, help me, struggling to spot the connection between Joseph Fritzl and paying the greengrocer, unless it's that Joseph Fritzl is a nasty form of mushroom which ought to be stir-fried!
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14th August 2011, 10:03
HI, Joker,

I would have thought that Fritzl was too busy making more weans to notice what the existing lot were up to.

Incidentally, are you The Joker who won the Queequeg crossword prize in the Herald? It is certainly one for the super intelligent. I have got about four answers so far, and no guarantee that they are right.

Susan, yes, Fritzl is a nasty sort of mushroom. Not one I'd like on my plate.

Hope all are well.

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the joker

14th August 2011, 10:23
Hi Pipesmoker
You should well know that someone from Edinburgh would not be seen to buy the Herald. We have our pride you know.
It was not I.
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14th August 2011, 10:28
Hi, TJ. We all have moments of remiss. I once bought a Sun, then for something to read, I bought a Scotsman. Sadly, I didn't know any of the names in the obituaries. Apart from crosswords, this is my only reason for buying a paper at all. Sometimes, if I see that one of my old school teachers has slid off the plate, I rejoice. I guess, though, that since I am now a wrinklie, there can't be many of them left.

Hope you have a pleasant Sunday.

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