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Genus Ophioglossum
  1. the type genus of the fern family Ophioglossaceae
Genus Botrychium
  1. grape fern; moonwort
Genus Helminthostachys
  1. one species: terrestrial fern of southeastern Asia and Australia
Genus Erysiphe
  1. genus of powdery mildews
Genus Neurospora
  1. genus of fungi with black perithecia used extensively in genetic research; includes some forms with orange spore masses that cause severe damage in bakeries
Genus Ceratostomella
  1. genus of fungi forming continuous hyaline spores
Genus Claviceps
  1. fungi parasitic upon the ovaries of various grasses
Genus Xylaria
  1. type genus of Xylariaceae; fungi with perithecia in the upper part of erect black woody stromata
Genus Rosellinia
  1. fungi having smooth perithecia with dark one-celled ascospores
Genus Helotium
  1. type genus of the Helotiaceae