Social climber - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 01/04/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Social climber.

7 letter answer(s) to social climber

  1. a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
  2. characteristic of someone who has risen economically or socially but lacks the social skills appropriate for this new position
  3. of or characteristic of a parvenu
  1. a gymnastic exercise performed starting from a position with the legs over the upper body and moving to an erect position by arching the back and swinging the legs out and down while forcing the chest upright
  2. a person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
  3. an arrogant or presumptuous person
  4. characteristic of someone who has risen economically or socially but lacks the social skills appropriate for this new position

4 letter answer(s) to social climber

  1. a person regarded as arrogant and annoying
  2. Shoemaker

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