Slave over South American tracksuit - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Slave over South American tracksuit.

6 letter answer(s) to slave over south american tracksuit

  1. agitation resulting from active worry; "don't get in a stew"; "he's in a sweat about exams"
  2. condensation of moisture on a cold surface; "the cold glasses were streaked with sweat"
  3. excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; "Exercise makes one sweat"
  4. garment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt
  5. salty fluid secreted by sweat glands; "sweat poured off his brow"
  6. to perspire
  7. use of physical or mental energy; hard work; "he got an A for effort"; "they managed only with great exertion"

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