Records perhaps concerned with contracts - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 19/12/2019

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Records perhaps concerned with contracts.

8 letter answer(s) to records perhaps concerned with contracts

  1. (music) the act or manner of terminating a musical phrase or tone
  2. a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
  3. a formal written statement of relinquishment
  4. a legal document evidencing the discharge of a debt or obligation
  5. a process that liberates or discharges something; "there was a sudden release of oxygen"; "the release of iodine from the thyroid gland"
  6. activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion; "she had no other outlet for her feelings"; "he gave vent to his anger"
  7. an announcement distributed to members of the press in order to supplement or replace an oral presentation
  8. eliminate (a substance); "combustion products are exhausted in the engine"; "the plant releases a gas"
  9. euphemistic expressions for death; "thousands mourned his passing"
  10. generate and separate from cells or bodily fluids; "secrete digestive juices"; "release a hormone into the blood stream"

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