Not separate - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Not separate.

6 letter answer(s) to not separate

  1. be or become joined or united or linked; "The two streets connect to become a highway"; "Our paths joined"; "The travelers linked up again at the airport"
  2. become part of; become a member of a group or organization; "He joined the Communist Party as a young man"
  3. cause to become joined or linked; "join these two parts so that they fit together"
  4. come into the company of; "She joined him for a drink"
  5. connected by a link, as railway cars or trailer trucks
  6. make contact or come together; "The two roads join here"
  7. of or relating to two people who are married to each other

3 letter answer(s) to not separate

  1. having been taken in marriage
  2. perform a marriage ceremony; "The minister married us on Saturday"; "We were wed the following week"; "The couple got spliced on Hawaii"
  3. take in marriage
  4. the fourth day of the week; the third working day

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