Live in - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 04/12/2020

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Live in.

5 letter answer(s) to live in

  1. come back to; "Don't dwell on the past"; "She is always harping on the same old things"
  2. exist or be situated within; "Strange notions inhabited her mind"
  3. inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"; "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"; "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"; "deer are populating the woods"
  4. originate (in);
  5. think moodily or anxiously about something
  6. to pause a while

7 letter answer(s) to live in

  1. be present in; "sweet memories inhabit this house"
  2. exist or be situated within; "Strange notions inhabited her mind"
  3. inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of; "People lived in Africa millions of years ago"; "The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted"; "this kind of fish dwells near the bottom of the ocean"; "deer are populating the woods"

6 letter answer(s) to live in

  1. assume, as of positions or roles; "She took the job as director of development"; "he occupies the position of manager"; "the young prince will soon occupy the throne"
  2. be on the mind of; "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"
  3. consume all of one's attention or time; "Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely"
  4. keep busy with; "She busies herself with her butterfly collection"
  5. live (in a certain place); "She resides in Princeton"; "he occupies two rooms on the top floor"
  6. march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation; "Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939"
  7. occupy the whole of; "The liquid fills the container"
  8. require (time or space); "It took three hours to get to work this morning"; "This event occupied a very short time"

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