Fuzzy, indistinct - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fuzzy, indistinct.

7 letter answer(s) to fuzzy, indistinct

  1. become glassy; lose clear vision; "Her eyes glazed over from lack of sleep"
  2. become vague or indistinct; "The distinction between the two theories blurred"
  3. indistinct or hazy in outline; "a landscape of blurred outlines"; "the trees were just blurry shapes"
  4. make a smudge on; soil by smudging
  5. make dim or indistinct; "The fog blurs my vision"
  6. make unclear, indistinct, or blurred; "Her remarks confused the debate"; "Their words obnubilate their intentions"
  7. Not focused
  8. to make less distinct or clear; "The haze blurs the hills"
  9. unclear in form or expression; "the blurred aims of the group"; "sometimes one understood clearly and sometimes the meaning was clouded"- H.G.Wells

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