Cavalry soldier - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 13/12/2021

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Cavalry soldier.

7 letter answer(s) to cavalry soldier

  1. a member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed cavalrymen
  2. compel by coercion, threats, or crude means; "They sandbagged him to make dinner for everyone"
  3. physically force
  4. subjugate by imposing troops
  1. a mounted policeman
  2. a soldier in a motorized army unit
  3. a soldier mounted on horseback; "a cavalryman always takes good care of his mount"
  4. a state police officer

6 letter answer(s) to cavalry soldier

  1. a member of a European light cavalry unit; renowned for elegant dress
  1. (formerly) a cavalryman armed with a lance

5 letter answer(s) to cavalry soldier

  1. a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon
  2. a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions
  3. an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish
  4. move quickly, as if by cutting one's way; "Planes lanced towards the shore"
  5. open by piercing with a lancet; "lance a boil"
  6. pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fight

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