Spill - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 02/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Spill.

6 letter answer(s) to spill

  1. (soccer) the act of hitting the ball with your head
  2. a framing member crossing and supporting the ends of joists, studs, or rafters so as to transfer their weight to parallel joists, studs, or rafters
  3. a headlong jump (or fall); "he took a header into the shrubbery"
  4. a line of text serving to indicate what the passage below it is about; "the heading seemed to have little to do with the text"
  5. a machine that cuts the heads off grain and moves them into a wagon
  6. brick that is laid sideways at the top of a wall
  7. horizontal beam used as a finishing piece over a door or window
  1. a sudden drop from an upright position; "he had a nasty spill on the ice"
  2. an acrobatic feat of rolling or turning end over end
  3. cause to topple or tumble by pushing
  4. do gymnastics, roll and turn skillfully
  5. fall apart; "the building crumbled after the explosion"; "Negotiations broke down"
  6. fall down, as if collapsing;
  7. fall suddenly and sharply; "Prices tumbled after the devaluation of the currency"
  8. fly around; "The clothes tumbled in the dryer"; "rising smoke whirled in the air"
  9. put clothes in a tumbling barrel, where they are whirled about in hot air, usually with the purpose of drying; "Wash in warm water and tumble dry"
  10. roll over and over, back and forth
  11. suffer a sudden downfall, overthrow, or defeat
  12. throw together in a confused mass; "They tumbled the teams with no apparent pattern"
  13. understand, usually after some initial difficulty; "She didn't know what her classmates

7 letter answer(s) to spill


4 letter answer(s) to spill

  1. (usually plural) waste water from a kitchen or bathroom or chamber pot that has to be emptied by hand; "she carried out the sink slops"
  2. (usually plural) weak or watery unappetizing food or drink; "he lived on the thin slops that food kitchens provided"
  3. cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container; "spill the milk"; "splatter water"
  4. deep soft mud in water or slush; "they waded through the slop"
  5. feed pigs
  6. ladle clumsily; "slop the food onto the plate"
  7. walk through mud or mire; "We had to splosh across the wet meadow"
  8. wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk
  9. writing or music that is excessively sweet and sentimental
  1. a catch mechanism that acts as a switch; "the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water"
  2. a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs; "an acid trip"
  3. a journey for some purpose (usually including the return); "he took a trip to the shopping center"
  4. a light or nimble tread; "he heard the trip of women's feet overhead"
  5. an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall; "he blamed his slip on the ice"; "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"
  6. an exciting or stimulating experience
  7. an unintentional but embarrassing blunder; "he recited the whole poem without a single trip"; "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later"; "confusion caused his unfortunate misstep"
  8. cause to stumble; "The questions on the test tripped him up"
  9. get high, stoned, or drugged; "He trips every weekend"
  10. make a trip for pleasure
  11. miss a step and fall or nearly fall; "She stumbled over the tree root"

5 letter answer(s) to spill

  1. (law) reduction in the value of an estate caused by act or neglect
  2. an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation; "the barrens of central Africa"; "the trackless wastes of the desert"
  3. any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted; "they collect the waste once a week"; "much of the waste material is carried off in the sewers"
  4. become physically weaker; "Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world"
  5. cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion"
  6. cause to grow thin or weak; "The treatment emaciated him"
  7. get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"
  8. get rid of; "We waste the dirty water by channeling it into the sewer"
  9. located in a dismal or remote area; desolate; "a desert island"; "a godforsaken wilderness crossroads"; "a

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