Prone - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 14/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Prone.

3 letter answer(s) to prone

  1. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward; "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant"; "I am not minded to answer any questions"
  2. at risk of or subject to experiencing something usually unpleasant; "he is apt to lose"; "she is liable to forget"
  3. being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"
  4. mentally quick and resourceful; "an apt pupil"; "you are a clever reason well and your wit is bold"-Bram Stoker

8 letter answer(s) to prone

  1. (usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward; "he is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant"; "I am not minded to answer any questions"
  2. give, sell, or transfer to another; "She disposed of her parents' possessions"
  3. having made preparations; "prepared to take risks"
  4. make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"
  5. make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them"
  6. place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"
  7. throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
  1. (often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency; "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody"
  2. at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position; "an inclined plane"
  3. be at an angle; "The terrain sloped down"
  4. bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well; "He inclined his ear to the wise old man"
  5. feel favorably disposed or willing; "She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs"
  6. have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"; "These dresses run small"; "He inclined to corpulence"
  7. having made preparations; "prepared to take risks"
  8. lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow; "She inclined her head to the student"
  9. make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them"

9 letter answer(s) to prone

  1. get into a prostrate position, as in submission
  2. lying face downward
  3. render helpless or defenseless; "They prostrated the enemy"
  4. stretched out and lying at full length along the ground; "found himself lying flat on the floor"
  5. throw down flat, as on the ground; "She prostrated herself with frustration"

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